The Karate Kid

Martial Arts is only for self-protection, it can never be used to hurt others. Wonderful message conveyed clearly by this movie. Self-discipline is the secret for any success. The down to earth character played by Jackie Chan is a refreshing change for him. Pain and failures are here to remind us how big is the world. The kid character was played by Jade Smith, son of the famous Will Smith. All characters in this movie executed well. How one should face the failures, humiliation and other negative elements is something that is invaluable for the growing kids.
This movie can be added in a must watch list for all kids. Kids don’t follow your words, they follow your actions. So parents and teachers should pay attention to what they do in front of kids. Overall this is a very good movie with eye-catching graphics and nail biting scenes. The Karate Kid is a good entertainer with many precious messages.