Yugratna Srivastava

Climate change, global warming is real. There is a lack of awareness. Even among the first citizen of few countries. You can debate whether it is true or not. But what will you do if a 13-Y-O girl asks you about climate change. What will happen if she asks the global leaders? It would be an alarming situation for current generation leaders to answer. Yugratna Srivastava achieved this feat, more than just a milestone. It was the need of the hour. She was invited to address the UN assembly in New York at 13.
Yugratna was not a normal kid. She stopped the exams halfway and left for the New York to address UN assembly. This is not some random event. She was invited by the UN secretary general. On Sep 9 2009, her father, Alok Srivastava, a botany teacher in government college, Lucknow received a letter. It was an invitation from UN. Only after several media approached her father for photographs and information, he realized how important invitation was to his daughter. She travelled to various countries for guest talk. It was a normal thing for Yugratna’s parents.
Yugratna was involved in social reforming activities from 2006. She had the concern and care towards the environment and humans. She has been working with Tarumitra, a NGO. Her hard work and determination earned her visits to Norway, Nairobi, South Korea as their brand ambassador.
It was a proud moment for all the 3 billion kids of the world. Yugratna was representing all of them. She asked questions on behalf of our nature and all the upcoming generations. Her questions were not some preparation by experts. It was all from her experience in the NGO and her experience.
She was so much concerned about climate change which is damaging our environment to a greater extent. She spoke to the world leaders and informed about the Himalayas melting condition, polar bear death due to lack of food, 2 out of every 5 people do not have access to clean drinking water, increase of earth temperature.
She registered a crucial
point. Climate change doesn’t know nation borders or the politics behind every
nation. While leaders make policies sitting in air conditioned room, she asked
them to remember the people who are struggling to survive.
speech was from the bottom of heart and definitely an eye opener for not only
the nation leaders but also for all of us. Yugratna is one of the proud girls
of our country who is ready to fight the climate change and didn’t hesitate to
even ask questions to the global leaders. Let’s wish for a better change in
near future for climate change.